Having you own blog gives you the liberty to try out any nail styles you want, discover what you're good at and try a heap of new things you never thought you could do. It also lets you NOT do things you think you suck at and avoid them like the plague if you don't want to do them. Tribal nails was one of those things that I always wanted to do but every attempt turned out disastrous, I even bought a pack of stick on nails so I could wear this pattern. I stayed away from trying to draw tribal patterns on my nails for a while until today. Today's prompt for the 33 Day Challenge called out to do a tribal manicure. I did a bit of research to see if I could avoid the traditional tribal nail but nothing really caught my eye.
Here it is, my what-I'd-like-to-think-is-acceptable tribal mani. I followed Nailed It's tutorial for tribal nails, which was super easy to follow. From cuticle to free end I used Face of Australia in Boys 'N' Berries, Ulta3 in Honolulu, Ulta3 in Carrot Top and Essence in That's What I Mint. For the black outline I used my Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen in, er..., Black. Topped it all off with a coat of OPI Matte Top Coat.
The lines were so uneven and the patterns irregular but that adds to the rawness of the tribal print, yeah?
I'm think I'll start putting page breaks after two photos to tie up all my posts and make the blog look better as well as let you enjoy photo spamming at your leisure (when it happens). If you like page breaks, they bother you to no end or have a particular opinion about them, let me know. Feedback is always appreciated!